Q-Tech Nigeria Limited
Q-Tech Nigeria Limited


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  • Apr 25,23

Alternative Power

ALTERNATIVE POWER Long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using is that it has a more ess normal distribution Long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of…
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  • Jan 12,23

Advanced Metering

ADVANCED METERING We’re a NERC-certified Meter Asset Provider, we offer comprehensive metering solutions to EDCs. Our advanced technology ensures transparency and revenue protection. We provide smart AMI solutions adhering to STS and DLMS/COSEM standards.
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  • Jan 12,23

Electrical Construction

ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION Q-Tech Nigeria leads in Electrical Construction, offering complete turnkey solutions for transmission and distribution. Our services encompasses sub-stations, SCADA systems, and LV reticulation, ensuring strong infrastructure and smooth energy distribution. With advanced technology and an experienced team, we prioritize reliability, efficiency, and safety in every project, strengthening Nigeria’s…
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  • Jan 12,23


TRAINING Q-Tech Academy offers specialized training and certifications in SAP, Project Management, Safety, and Energy and Power Systems Engineering. Our cost-effective programs nurture talent and support professional development, providing an opportunity to learn from industry leaders to advance your careers and expand your expertise.
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  • Jan 12,23


CONSULTATION Our consulting services offer end-to-end support, from initial feasibility studies to project completion and beyond. this also include assessing project viability, planning and design, regulatory compliance, procurement, project management, technical support, commissioning and documentation.

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